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505件陶器,历史与神话在这里相遇 - RU by Petrit Halilaj屋顶秧田工装

作者: 时间:2018-05-17 12:55:41 点击:
505件陶器,历史与神话在这里相遇 | RU by Petrit Halilaj Kvadrat ArtPetrit Halilaj 的装置作品《RU》,揭开了 Kvadrat 和纽约New Museum3年合作项目的序幕。----RU by Petrit Halilaj launches three-year partnership between Kvadrat and New Museum, New York.2017年3月,纽约 New Museum 和 Kvadrat 宣布为期3年工作服一那里能买到的合作关系,旨在支持还没有在纽约或美国其他地区举行重大展览的新兴艺术家推出新作品。艺术家 Petrit Halilaj 创作的《RU》是该合作项目拜托创作的第1件。--

Kvadrat Art

Petrit Halilaj 的装置作品《RU》,揭开了 Kvadrat 和纽约New Museum3年合作项目的序幕。


RU by Petrit Halilaj launches three-year partnership between Kvadrat and New Museum, New York.

2017年3月,纽约 New Museum 和 Kvadrat 宣布为期3年的合作关系,旨在支持还没有在纽约或美国其他地区举行重大展览的新兴艺术家推出新作品。艺术家 Petrit Halilaj 创作的《RU》是该合作项目拜托创作的第1件。


In March 2017 the New Museum and Kvadrat announced a three-year partnership focused on supporting the realisation of ambitious new works by emerging artists who have not yet had a significant exhibition in New York or in the rest of the US. RU by Petrit Halilaj is the first of three commissioned installations that are developed within this partnership.

Petrit Halilaj 常以自己的个人经历为作品动身点,结合源自祖国科索沃的素材,并使用绘画、文字和视频等元素创造雄伟壮阔的空间装置,借助它们来表达个人与雕塑情势的关系。


Petrit Halilaj often uses his own biography as a point of departure for his works, incorporating materials from his native Kosovo, and using drawing, text and video to create ambitious spatial installations through which he translates personal relationships into sculptural forms.

发掘、历史档案及相互交织的个人、政治和神话历史是Petrit Halilaj作品中反复出现的主题,其最新多层面装置作品《RU》继续发掘失落、隐蔽和经太重新演绎的历史,探索了与其故乡 Runik 的新石器时期定居点相干连的故事和物体。


Excavation, archives and the intertwining of personal, political and mythic history are recurring themes in Halilaj’s work. Continuing his exploration into lost, concealed and repurposed histories, Petrit Halilaj’s new multifaceted installation RU explores stories and objects connected to a Neolithic settlement beneath his hometown of Runik.

Runik 镇出土的505件古代器物是科索沃迄今发现的最重要的新石器时期文物之1。由于20世纪90年代的科索沃战争,这些珍贵文物现在流失到几个国家,其中最有价值的物品被寄存在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德自然历史博物馆。


The results of a past archeological dig in the town uncovered 505 objects that comprise part of the country’s most significant material history from the period. Now spread across several countries as the result of the Kosovo War in the 1990s, the most valuable of these objects currently reside in storage at the Natural History Museum in Belgrade, Serbia.

对1个失去共同历史记忆的国家,这些物品具有重要的意味价值,但它们被保存在 Runik 人没法接触的地方,与此同时,初期人类文明的证据还不断在今天的 Runik 被发现,构成这个仍然满布冲突和分裂缝迹的地方的集体遗产。


Out of public reach and inaccessible to the people of Runik, these objects hold great symbolic value for a nation missing parts of its shared frame of reference, 顺义工作服订做
all the while evidence of the early civilization regularly manifests itself within present day Runik, forming part of a collective narrative in a site still marked by conflict and fracture.

在《RU》中,Petrit Halilaj展现了大量的新视频作品、几件大型纺织品雕塑、和他以候鸟飞行动作和栖息地为灵感创造的更广阔空间环境。


In Petrit Halilaj’s RU, Halilaj presents a number of new video works, several large textile sculptures, and an extensive environment that draws on his research on the flight patterns and habitats of migratory birds.

《RU》的入口是1段森林式分支空间,用于展现口述历史和神话的诞生,其中505件陶磁器物被重新设计成类似候鸟的形状架在黄铜“腿”上。Petrit Hali盛泽工作服
laj的朋友和邻居通过在他们故乡土地上发现的神秘器物讲述 Runik 新石器时期文明的故事,并解释这些文物€€€€角、头、躯干€€€€所包括的神秘意义。


RU is entered through the bare branches of a forest-like space of oral history and myth making in which 505 ceramic artefacts are reimagined as a floc朝阳轮胎工作服冬装
k of migratory bird-like forms on brass legs. Halilaj’s friends and neighbours tell stories of Runik’s Neolithic civilisation through mysterious objects they have discovered on their land and interpreted €€horns, heads, torsos €€ which are attributed with mystic significance.



Soft, earth-like textile versions of these ‘discoveries’ litter the floor, functional décor that are used by visitors to the exhibition and suggest the comingling of history and myth in the absence of official narrative.

除提供体制性支持,Kvadrat 还中国地税局工作服
协助艺术家制作了展出装置中以纺织品为原料的组件。以后,也会有出版记录此次展览并深入介绍 Halilaj 的创作背景的手册。


Alongside the provision of institutional support, Kvadrat has assisted the artist with the fabrication of the textile elements within the installation. A catalogue will be published documenting the exhibition and giving insight into Halilaj’s practice.


Petrit Halilaj RU

27 September 2017 €€ 7 January 2018

New Museum

235 Bowery

10002 New York

New Museum and Kvadrat

2017年3月,纽约新博物馆和 Kvadrat 宣布为期3年的合作关系,旨在支持还没有在纽约或美国其他地区举行重大展览的新兴艺术家推出新作品。Petrit Halilaj 创作的《RU》是该合作项目拜托创作的3件艺术装置中的第1件。除提供机构支持,Kvadrat 还协助艺术河源水乐坊工作服


In March 2017, the New Museum and Kvadrat announced a three-year partnership focused on supporting the realisation of ambitious new works by emerging artists who have not yet had a significant exhibition in New York or in the rest of the US. RU by Petrit Halilaj is the first of three individual projects that will be supported by the partnership.

Petrit Halilaj

Petrit Halilaj,1986年诞生于科索沃,终年在Bozzolo、柏林、普里什蒂纳和Runik几个地方生活和工作。他参与第57届威尼斯双年展主题展览并取得陪审团特别奖,还是2017年 Mario Merz 奖的取得者。


Born in Kosovo in 1986, Petrit Halilaj lives and works between Bozzolo, Berlin, Pristina and Runik. The laureate of the 2017 Mario Merz Prize, Halilaj received a special mention from the jury of the 57th Biennale Artein Venice for his participation in the main exhibition.

New Museum

New Museum是纽约市唯逐一家专门展现当代艺术作品的博物馆。博物馆成立于1977年,聚集了来自世界各地确当代艺术家的作品展览、信息和文献。创建之初,它还只是哈德逊街上的1间办公室,2007年由 SANAA 建筑事务所设计的独立建筑在 Bowery 街落成,发展至今,新博物馆1直是鼓励实验创新的场所和聚集新艺术及创意的中心。


The New Museum is the only museum in New York City exclusively devoted to contemporary art. Founded in 1977, the New Museum is a centre for exhibitions, information and documentation about living artists from around the world. From its beginnings as a one-room office on Hudson Street to the inauguration of its first freestanding building on the Bowery designed by SANAA in 2007, the New Museum continues to be a place of experimentation and a hub of new art and new ideas.


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